Welcome to the Perry County Probate Court

Judge Luann Cooperrider

Judge Cooperrider's position as the Judge of the Probate Court places over two hundred separate duties upon her. Those duties range from issuing marriage licenses to overseeing testamentary trusts. The Court has jurisdiction over probate of wills, guardianships, adoptions, legal name changes, registration of birth, minor settlements, estate administration, genealogy research, civil actions and appointments of boards and commissions.

The OHIO REVISED CODE authorizes the Judge to appoint Deputy Clerks to assist in performing the daily business of the Court. They have a wide range of duties and are prohibited by law from giving legal advice or assistance in preparing forms that come before the Court.

Photo of Judge
Judge Luann Cooperrider

Court Information

Court Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00am - 4:00pm


Court Location

106 South Main Street

P.O. Box 167

New Lexington, Ohio 43764

Court Contact

Phone: 740.342.1493

Fax: 740.342.5524

Email: pcpro@perrycountycourt.com

Court Location

Court Staff

Luann Cooperrider Judge
Lea Ann Wells Court Administrator
Debbie Williams Deputy Clerk
Linda Young Deputy Clerk